The problem in goal
achievement generally comes from focusing on only one area of life. Many
business owners and entrepreneurs while succeeding in their financial life, fail
to find joy and balance in their family, spirituality and health. Others focus
on their emotional issues forgetting everything else.
You may be striving
to be balanced as a total person, not just one who excels in one area of your
life. One of the most important words in all languages is balance. If
you have balance, you have everything. You don't want to achieve one thing and lose
everything else. You can have it all, so program each area of your life to
create balance. Setting goals with equal proportional balance is the key so
that you do not steal from one part of your life to fulfill another.
So we created this simple
process of Life Planner Achiever to help you achieving your goals, organizing your life, melting
negative programming, while focusing on self-evolution, balance and self-worth.
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The Easy way to Become a Life Planner Achiever |
Watch the Video at the end of the article !
Here are the 6 steps you can use to go from where you are right now to where
you want to be:
Write just one goal you consider to be out of reach or difficult to
achieve for each of the following categories:
1. Health Goal (physical
well-being, General Health, Physical skill)
2. Relationship
Goal (Friends, Family, Love, Social)
3. Financial Goal (Only
about the money)
4. Career Goal or “How
you want to spend your time” Goal (something you love to do, the business you
wish to create)
5. Spiritual Goal (Enlightenment,
better connection, The Universe, Love Energy, Spiritual Leader )
6. Emotional Goal
(how you want to feel most of the time)
Rewrite your goals using
the following six Checks (PHULER):
1. Positivity Check:
Focus on what you want, not on avoiding what you don’t want. Remove all
negative words and connotations (Example: quit, eliminate, not to ...)
2. Harmony Check:
See if any goal conflict with the other ones. Is there any negative
consequence for you or others? Is there any problem created by your goal? Flush
out bad associations and make
it a win/win goal, for the highest good of all.
3. Unity Check:
Your goal is about one area, one action, one step. Avoid additions and making
associations or connections with other goals.
4. Language Check:
Use action and process verbs in “ing” form. Remove words like “ I am”
or “I want”. And avoid comparison: realize that you are not in competition with
anyone. Add presuppositions to describe how the process will unfold (easily,
naturally, automatically, brilliantly, lovingly …)
5. Evidence Check: Establish Evidence Procedures by answering these questions: How
will your life change? What will happen when you achieve this goal? And how do
you know?
6. Responsibility Check: You are the only one to be accountable for the
goal, the only one who initiate the goal, maintain it, and find finish it. It’s
all from you and about you. Relying on others in any step will let you
struggling with failure.
For all the 6 big goals, start from where you
are at right now, all the way up to your big goal:
1. Define your starting point: Write it down by
only using positive language. To do so, you can write an observable fact in respects
to each one of your goals, OR a decision or commitment your have made to
improve. Avoid using any negative references.
2. Write down your Big Goal at the top of a
page and your Starting Points at the bottom of the page.
3. Examine the difference between where you
are and where you will be.
4. Establish 6 significant stations
or sub-goals that you believe you are likely pass along the way as you achieve
your goal. Work backwards form your Big Goal to your Starting Point to identify
the 6 unavoidable steps in your journey.
5. Correct the 6 sub-goals with the 6 Checks used
above (PHULER)
6. Give yourself a gift every time you achieve
a success. It’s up to you to choose when to do so. Reward yourself so you can
beat challenges and you will see how easier your life will be.
1. Split up the road between the Starting
Point and the 1st sub-goal into 6 easy and simple steps, using the 6
Checks. Write 6 steps also between the 1st and the 2nd sub-goal.
2. Split up the road between the 2nd
sub-goal and the 3rd sub-goal into 4 easy and simple steps, using
the 6 Checks. Write 4 steps also between the 3rd and the 4th
3. Split up the road between the 4th
sub-goal and the 5th sub-goal into 3 easy and simple steps, using
the 6 Checks. Write 3 steps also between the 5th and the 6th
4. Split up the road between the 6th
sub-goal and the Big Goal into by adding 2 easy and simple steps, using the 6
5. Take the “Believability Test”: After you prepare your step ask
yourself on a scale of 0-10 (10 being the most believable) “How do I rate my
feeling about this statement?” If your answer is 8 or below, then you need to rephrase
it. Make the step big enough to be exciting, but small enough to be realistic.
6. Write down your final map for each Big Goal
on 6 separate Life Planner Journals: For the first page in each journal write the sub-goals between the
Starting Point and the Big Goal, and in the next page write the steps in sequence
between Starting Point and 1st sub-goal. Do the same for the next 6
pages, writing the steps between the next sub-goals.
1. Choose a specific day in the week for each
Big Goal. You will work on that goal the same day each week. And you will have
a day on the week with no goal to work on it, so you can review and correct the
steps on your journey.
2. When
you wake up in the morning start by your day by the programming process. Avoid
interacting with people or doing anything else- unless it’s urgent - before
doing the Programming Process.
3. Begin by balancing the hemispheres of the
brain by doing this short and simple exercise: Use any small soft ball (example: tennis
ball). Start with it in your right hand, throw it in the air, and catch it with
your left hand. And as you throw it in the air, follow the path the ball makes (the
arc) with your eyes. And then from the left hand to the right hand. Give it a
gentle squeeze when it land to the opposite hand. Do the exercise for just 15
to 30 seconds, that’s all that is required to connect the right side to the
left side of your brain and help embed your goals deeper into your mind.
4. Open your journal for that specific day,
and go to the Life Planner Audio and listen.
5. As you listen, write your Big Goal at the top
of the page in your Life Planner Journal, then write the sub-goal you are aiming
(the 1st in the beginning).
6. Next, write down your actual step you want
to achieve or do, 15 to 21 times, while listening to the Life Planner Audio,
for just 10 to 15 minutes. The following week when you are back to that specific
day again, if you didn’t achieve this step, you’re going to write your step 15
to 21 times. Keep writing the step each week until you achieve it. Do it the
best of your ability and how you like it.
1. After you have finished all your activities
of the day and you are ready to sleep, open your journals and check every sub-goal
or step you have achieved.
2. Take a separate and specific notebook or diary,
and regardless of which goal you are working on that day, answer this question:
What positive action did I take today that bring me closer to my goals? Write a
minimum of 2 items. It can be general: about one or all your goals.
3. Then on the same diary answer this
question: What positive action can I take tomorrow to bring me closer to my
goals? Write a minimum of 2 items. It can be general: about one or all your
4. Write a couple of items to this question:
What am I grateful for? Look for things or people in your day helping you to
succeed in your goal or you are thankful for in general.
5. Define obstacles, roadblocks and problems
that arise in your journey. Don’t gloss or deny them. Recognize them, but don’t focus on them.
Instead, look how you can transform those obstacles and see them as opportunities
for your personal development. Ask “how can I solve it” questions instead of
“why that happens to me” questions. Spend 20% of your time on the problem, and
80% on the solution.
6. Along the day, make note
of things or people that you can be grateful for in each situation.
I hope you understand how
to go through Life Planner Achiever (LPA).
Each day in the week, do
the Programming Process in the morning, then the Gratitude Process before you
go to bed. After preparing your Life Planner Maps, you only need to spend 10-15
minutes each morning and 10-15 each evening.
In the 7th day see how you can adjust you steps. Or you can make it your rest day. And be pleasantly surprise as the results begin to come in.
I will be thankful for
everyone that left me a comment and help me make this program effective. What
you can do for me is succeed, achieve your goal, make your life a win, be
happy, and make the world a better place. Feel free to ask your question, leave
a comment share the Life Planner Achiever with others and the people you care